Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Toy Story

I have this horrible habit of buying toys everywhere I go. Over the years, I have accumulated a ton of stuff from all over the world. One of my favorite pastimes is showing my new toys and telling the story of what the toy is, where it came from, and how I came about obtaining it. The funnest part of the "collecting" is finding the toy and sharing the story.

I have decided that I want to maintain a record about the toy stories of my life so that I can always remember and more importantly always share the memories.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Toys Toys and more Toys

So "our" business venture has been postponed indefinitely. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Like any good idea, it takes time... how much time is the issue at hand. Nevertheless, I started this damn blog to capture my love for all things that are "toys", so Im going to go ahead and do that.

Im 29 now and I still play with toys. I love them. The only difference between me now and me when I was a kid was that I am no longer at the mercy of my parents when I want to buy something. Now if you know me, that is perhaps not such a good thing... as I have a self-admitted case of "hoarding". I cant just buy one, I have to get the whole set and then some... this leads to some absurdly expensive purchases from time to time that I like to justify by saying its "rare" and  it will go up in "value".

There is nothing wrong with playing with toys. If it brings a smile to your face, I see nothing wrong with it. Ill admit I buy some crazy shit at some crazy prices. But the way I see it, if you truly enjoy it and can afford it, why the hell not? Why else do we slave away at "work"? Going back to my justification for this crazy obsession, NOTHING is rare. Dont believe the hype. It is all marketing smoke and mirrors. You should only buy something because you want it, not because you perceive it to be rare.

Now I am going to go and contradict myself by admitting that this perceived "rarity" is what does in fact drive the "value" of any toy. And this is where I really enjoy the buying and selling of toys. Speculating on the price of a toy and what is going to be "rare" and go up in "value" is what brings me a ton of enjoyment. I love going to Target or Toys R Us and buying up transformers and legos trying to guess what is going to go up in value so I can sell it on ebay later.

So my goal with this blog is just to run through some of the crazy shit I buy and share with people my honest to god love for all toys related items. Enjoy!